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"WITH"...World film festival premieres

"WITH"...World film festival premieres

We are very proud to announce that our feature film WITH is off to a great start the festival season with two selections in London and Los Angeles.

We will be premiering WITH in London at the London International Festival and in Los Angeles at the iconic Mann’s Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard.

WITH has received 3 nominations at the London International Film Festival….Best Feature Documentary, Best Cinematography and Best Editing.

Thursday February 13th 11am

Los Angeles...
Wednesday February 26th 4pm
Mann’s Chinese Theatre, Hollywood


"How many people have you met through music? There will always be times when music made connections with people who are even strangers. As been said in this documentary film With, music is togetherness. This documentary is beautiful and inspiring. It tracks the journey of a couple who kept on traveling and sharing their music and love for harmony. The couple showed that they are on the same page and their goals play beautiful music together. Watching With is so relaxing and calming. It is like it is telling me to slow and relax and enjoy beautiful music. This documentary sends a message that life is not always hectic and busy. It can be productive even if you are slowing things down. I love this documentary as it is a joy to the heart and speaks to the heart. Beautiful music, amazing cinematography and inspiring concept; this documentary is definitely a worthy watch.” - Utah Film Festival
WITH is a tale about a new worldwide trend that embraces the concept of Slowlife : taking a step back from today's chaotic, hectic life to embrace an everyday simpler life, enjoying every step of it with all our senses...
"Globe-trotting through the years, a camera and a guitar in my hands, discovering the world, family & friendship through music, I wanted to share how togetherness and slowlife can be... Music is not a sound or a song, music is what embraces us all and gathers our souls... Playing music is like talking all together at the same time to create a sentence that no one had in mind before, and that's the magic of togetherness... This movie is a poetic and musical tale, shaping a decade of road trips, encounters, talks and dreams to count a search of peace, togetherness and present..." Rami Mekdachi 
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Oct, 20 2024

Fully « here and now », together, ready to co-create. It's by far the best place to create miracles and surprises, to feel accomplished...

At Lola James Harper, we believe that the creative process is a miraculous synergy : a moment of pure co-creation. Whether composing music or crafting fragrances, it’s about being fully present, ready to catch the magic when it strikes.

As the Meckdachi family, the founders of Lola James Harper, say: "Leave us in a place full of musical instruments, and we will feel just right." This mantra speaks to the heart of their creative philosophy, a reflection of their deep connection to music and the joy of unexpected encounters.

In a music studio, creativity flows freely, fueled by collaboration and mutual respect. Composing music becomes a way of meeting others, sharing thoughts, and listening deeply to one another. It’s a true exchange, one that brings a project to new heights by embracing the talents and limitations of everyone involved. The result is a unique creation, shaped by the energy of surprise and the joy of connection.



Music, after all, is a universal language that transcends the senses. It is not only heard but also seen, felt, and immortalized. The Music Studio candle captures this essence. With the warmth of cashmeran and the vibrant notes of rose floating like a melody, the soft musk adds a layer of comforting intimacy, allowing you to feel the energy of the studio with every light.


Discover the photography collection capturing the very essence of music — from the raw rehearsals in dimly lit rooms to the electric energy of live concerts.


A playlist inviting you to slow down, relax and enjoy beautiful things.

“It is a joy to the heart and speaks to the heart. Beautiful music, amazing cinematography and inspiring concept."
- Utah Film Festival
